《給我一點。2》(literally translated as “Give me a little. 2” was originally known as Hong Kong Original Only Exhibition, an exhibition for original work from all around Hong Kong, sort of like Fancy Frontier in Taiwan. We’ll once again be taking part this year. This will be the second time we join in and we’ll be selling Craft in Abyss merchandises such as a Fanbook and soundtrack.
Fanbook Cover
As always, you can get a taste of the theme song here.
Alongside Craft in Abyss merchandise, there will also be Monster Group Project keychains on sale. It’s something I worked on while I was a student, and I highly recommend splitting the 5 character key chains between 5 friends. It’ll definitely work as a good keepsake.
I’ll most likely be at the exhibition the entire day on Saturday, November 7th, so feel free to come and have a chat. (I don’t have a lot of friends, so I’m definitely not going to be running off all the time >_<).
And finally, I hope we can truly achieve the ideals of the event together:
Give me a bit of freedom, and I’ll give you a future.
Event Details
- Host: HK Original Only X FUNCOLOR
- Date: November 7th, 2020 (Saturday)
- Time: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Entrance closes at 6:30 PM)
- Location: Hall 3, 6th Floor, Hong Kong Kowloon International Trade Exhibition Center
- Entrance Fee: HKD$20 & special tickets
- Please note that there will be traffic control on site.
Let me also take the chance to tell you a bit about the host. HK Original Only is a circle of original content creators. Although original content creators can attend events such as Rainbow Gala, Palette Ring, and other doujin festivals, most people attending those are more interested in doujin-work and other fan content rather than original content. I’m personally very happy to see events that really push original content, so I naturally decided to take part in it as well.
Finally, a huge thanks to these patrons for making this post possible:
- Robert Chan
- fuzzyBB
- inquisitor
- Joshua Fong
- JC Leung
- Michael Cheung
- Eric Chan
- Chung Panda Lau
- cyrus333e
- William Chong
- tsz fung hui
Once again, thank you for supporting us!
《給我一點。2》的前身即香港原創誌交流展,集香港大大小小創作組織,有點慶典感覺的賣週邊和出展覽的大型活動。火柱工作室今年亦有份參展,是第二次參展了。本次主要售賣新作《Craft In Abyss》的週邊,包括 Fanbook 和 原聲集。
Fanbook 封面
同時亦會有學生時代作品《擦板戰隊》的鎖匙扣,建議把戰隊的五位角色交由五人分別保管,很值得留念。如無意外,當日11月7日(星期六)我會全日在場,歡迎各位可以到場交流,互相勉勵。(因為我的朋友很少,大家完全不用擔心我太多應酬 >_<)最後,希望我們能一同實踐《給我一點。2》的理念:
主辦︰原圈 x FUNCOLOR
時間︰12:00PM — 7:00PM(6:30PM停止入場)
地點︰香港九龍灣國際展貿中心6樓 — 展貿廳3
門票︰HKD20 & 特別門票
主辦方「原圈」這邊也想順便介紹一下主辦方「原圈」。原圈指的是原創同好的生態圈。雖然原創作品的創作者亦可參與 Rainbow Gala 、Palette Ring 、創天綜合同人祭 等活動,但有鑑於大多逛攤客都預期入手動漫週邊,原創作品對他們的吸引力稍低。因此我自己亦樂見「原創ONLY」這類活動出現,因此理所當然地參與了一份。
有賴以下 patron,使這篇文章得以出現:
- Robert Chan
- fuzzyBB
- inquisitor
- Joshua Fong
- JC Leung
- Michael Cheung
- Eric Chan
- Chung Panda Lau
- cyrus333e
- William Chong
- tsz fung hui