We started working on Craft in Abyss in February this year, so the game has been in development for three months now. That being said, we haven’t introduced you guys to the dev team yet. Craft in Abyss is a game that is being developed by 8 devs in total in their free tie. It’s a pretty large team compared to commercial development teams in Hong Kong. (A big part of the reason is due to the high salary in Hong Kong. You can actually hire twice as many developers in Taiwan with the same amount).
- Simon But – Yeah, that’s me (>_<). I’m one of the founders of Firepillar2 Studio, and the lead in this project. I’m in charge of game design and programming. Outside of developing games, I also share entrepreneur news with other dev teams and encourage them, so you can say that I’m a busybody who likes to make his presence known. I’ve been in the industry for five years now, and have been in charge of plenty of positions ranging from programming, to design, to stat tweaks, customer service, data handling etc.
- Savage – One of the original Firepillar2 Studio member. I met him during HKGCE2016 (HKGC Game Competition Expo). He’s in charge of art and direction.
- Fung – A new member in charge of 2D art. He found out about us through Ordinary Gaming Studio. Hidetaka Miyazaki’s work inspired him, and made him want to try his hand in developing one. Previously, he would draw a bit of doujin, but has always wanted to produce his own creations, which made him a great fit for us.
- Two – Another new member that’s in charge of music. I met him during HKACG. He’s currently in 10th grade, making him the youngest among all of us. However, he has amazing potential and I’m certain that the whole industry will notice him one day. (Hopefully this doesn’t give him too much pressure >_<)
- Henry – A new member in charge of programming. We met while he asked me about careers in the game industry, which also prompted him to adopt a programming major as well. He works as a programmer in a Japanese game company, and is going to see his first game on the market very soon.
- Gary – A new member in charge of 3D motion. He joined as after seeing our recruitment post on Facebook. Although he calls himself a “Passing through 3D artist”, he’s quite good at his job. He’s also a leading member of Cheerfort, which published two games on Google Play store.
- Jacky – A new member in charge of 3D models. He learned all about 3D modelling due to his interest. Although he never worked on a game before, he has always wanted to try his hand at it.
- Eggplant Cat – A new member in charge of the script. She joined us after hearing about us recruiting people through her friends. She’s an author and has published many detective, sci-fi and light novels in Hong Kong and Taiwan. What’s more, she has also worked as a game designer and mobile game script writer, making her very family with the industry and its environment.
- Selutu – Didn’t I say only 8 members before? Yeah, but he’s our “Extra Ranger”, in charge of everything English-related, including managing our Patreon, translating things from Chinese into English, promoting in English communities etc. He discovered us through Facebook, and started working with us on Nino’s Isekai.
Our members found out about Firepillar2 Studio through various different methods, whether it be Ordinary Gaming Studio, Facebook, industry conferences, gaming competitions, HKACG etc. I’m proud to say that it’s the result of my attempt at influencing the game industry. But, back in the days, I was just another nameless fellow in university. If I had to say who gave me the chance to take my first step, make my first game, find my first job, and show off at my first exhibition, then I would definitely say that it was God.
I want to take this chance to give a special thanks to Ordinary Gaming Studio, Game Weekly and HKGD. They help us out big time with displaying our games, and also made this round of recruitment successful. (There are other people who helped us out as well, but there isn’t enough time nor space here. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about all of you!)
All of us are working on the project during our spare time (some of us haven’t even started working yet). Creating is our mission and hobby, but it doesn’t mean that we should do everything for naught. In a fair society, those who contribute should be rewarded, that’s why I heavily encourage everyone to become a patron, so that we can continue to push out more content for all of you.
Also, a huge thanks to these patrons for making this post possible:
- inquisitor
- Joshua Fong
- JC Leung
- Michael Cheung
- Eric Chan
- Chung Panda Lau
- cyrus333e
- William Chong
- tsz fung hui
Once again, thank you for supporting us!
If you want to talk to us, then you can also join our discord!
火柱工作室新作《Craft In Abyss》於 2 月開始製作,已經開發 3 個月了,還未向大家介紹開發團隊。其實,本作由 8 位創作者在業餘時間一起開發,這個人數在香港商業團隊中也算比較大的。(因為香港薪金要求比較高,因此同樣的開發資源能在台灣聘請兩倍的開發人員)
- 畢子
我就是畢子啦(>_<),火柱工作室同共發起人,也是本項目的發起人,負責遊戲設計和編程。工餘時間除了製作遊戲外,也會分享創業資訊和主動鼓勵其他團隊,是個不斷刷存在感的傢伙。在遊戲行業混了五年,期間負責過不少位置,編程、設計、數值、客服、數據,都有。 - 酷忍
元火柱工作室成員,因為 HKGCE2016(香港遊戲創作協會遊戲比賽展覽) 而認識,負責美術和指揮。 - Fung
新成員,負責 2D 美術,經平民遊戲工作室的影片知道火柱工作室。因為宮崎英高的作品喜歡上遊戲,而想試試做遊戲。平時會畫一些同人作品,但一直想有自己的作品,因此跟我們一拍即合。 - 小二
新成員,負責音樂,在動漫展中認識火柱工作室。就讀中四,成員中年紀最細。潛力驚人,遲早會受到業界注視。(不知我這樣說會否令他感到很大壓力>_<) - Henry
新成員,負責編程,因為向我請教遊戲行業的仕途而認識。本來讀遊戲,之後為了仕途而轉讀編程。平日在日資遊戲公司擔當編程,差不多完成第一部作品,很快能見到自己創作的遊戲在市面發售。 - Gary
新成員,負責 3D 動畫,不小心在 FaceBook 看到招募訊息而加入(>_<)。自稱「路過的 3D 動畫師」,但實力相當不錯。另外他是 Cheerfort 的首席成員,在 Google Play 上發佈過兩款遊戲。 - Jacky
新成員,負責 3D 建模。純粹因為興趣而學習相關知識,未試過做遊戲但一直想試試。 - 夜透紫
新成員,負責劇本,因行內朋友告知火柱工作室招人而加入。她是一位小說作家,在香港及台灣出版多本推理、科幻及輕小說。除此之外,她曾擔任過遊戲設計及手機遊戲劇本寫手,對遊戲產業和環境相當熟悉。 - Selutu
不是說只有 8 個成員嗎?沒錯,這位是「追加戰士」,幫忙所有英語相關的工作,包括管理 Patreon、翻譯中文資源成英文、英語社群推廣等等。最初在 Facebook 上發現火柱工作室,於「尼諾的異世界物語」時期開始合作。
趁此機會想特別感謝 平民遊戲工作室、GameWeekly 和 HKGD,他們都幫助過火柱工作室,讓我們的作品走入大眾的視野,讓本作的招募得以順利。(其實還有更多更多的人幫過忙,這裡無法盡錄,但我們從不忘記)
我們全員都是業餘時間創作(當中有待業人士),我們本著興趣和使命進行創作。但是,這不代表要白做。在一個公平的社會裡,有貢獻者應得獎賞,因此我無限量鼓勵各位訂閱我們的 Patreon,讓好 game,有好報。
有賴以下 patron,使這篇文章得以出現:
Joshua Fong
JC Leung
Michael Cheung
Eric Chan
Chung Panda Lau
William Chong
tsz fung hui
如果想找我們的話,可以加入火柱工作室的 discord 哦~