How to attract potential audiences with your Steam page 淺談 Steam 頁面如何吸引潛在受眾
There was a popular LIHKG post about game development, …
The Problems with a Long Game Development Period 花費長時間製作遊戲,有甚麼問題?
I have discussed the topic of “Game Development …
Singlv – Save the Game Industry! The Industry Needs YOU! [產業需要你] 齊救 Game 界!「升呢」雲集香港遊戲愛好者
“Singlv” (Pronounced Sing-Leh) is a term th…
The Second Hong Kong Game Enhancement and Promotion Scheme – Is the HKD $4.8 million well spent? [產業需要你] 這 480 萬港元用得其所嗎?「第二屆香港遊戲優化和推廣計劃」
The second Hong Kong Game Enhancement and Promotion Sc…
Introducing the Craft in Abyss Dev Team 《Craft In Abyss》開發團隊介紹
We started working on Craft in Abyss in February …
Craft In Abyss in the Steam Game Festival 《Craft In Abyss》參展 Steam 遊戲節
The Steam Game Festival Summer Edition started on June …
What Has the Government Done for Us? Introducing the Hong Kong Game Enhancement and Promotion Scheme 政府做過甚麼?「香港遊戲優化和推廣計劃」
Whenever we bring up the Hong Kong game industry, a lot…